Tourist ignores warnings, gets bitten by King’s Guard horse

A tourist has gone viral online after a video captured her sustaining a pretty nasty injury when she got a little too close to a King’s Guard horse…

The King’s Guards have long been a cherished attraction, drawing visitors eager to capture photos with the impeccably dressed soldiers and their stately horses.

Over the weekend, a TikTok account named Buska in The Park shared a video that quickly went viral. The video captured the startling moment when a woman was bitten by one of the majestic King’s Guard horses.

In the footage, a large crowd of tourists can be seen gathered around the horse, each waiting for their turn to snap a photo. The horse, appearing visibly agitated by the constant stream of admirers inching closer, eventually snapped and bit one of the tourists on the arm.

The video showed several tourists taking turns posing next to the imposing horse, but one woman got too close, triggering the animal to chomp down hard on her arm. The impact was significant enough to cause the woman to collapse to the ground, where she received immediate medical attention. A group of armed police officers soon arrived to check on her after she fainted.

The incident sparked a flurry of reactions online, with many people believing the tourists should have heeded the horse’s warnings.

One user commented: “Four warnings that horse gave!”

Another remarked: “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…”

Many shared the sentiment that the woman was at fault for ignoring the clear signs of the horse’s discomfort. “It’s her own fault,” one comment read, while another quipped: “So the horse tries to bite you, he misses, but then you go back in again — that’s crazy!”

Several comments expressed a lack of sympathy for the tourist, pointing out the numerous warnings about the risks associated with getting too close to the horses.

“There’s a souvenir to take home,” one person joked.

Another user added: “It honestly blows my mind that people can’t read a horse’s body language or signs that clearly state that they will bite potentially and not to touch the reins. When are people gonna learn regardless?”

One comment highlighted the repeated nipping by the horse as a clear warning: “It had already been nipping at people as a warning. Plus, there are signs everywhere. I feel bad she got hurt, but it’s her own fault.”

Another person expressed concern for the animals, saying: “I feel bad for the horses. It’s become a stressful environment for them now.”

This incident is not an isolated case. Despite numerous warnings about the dangers of horse bites and kicks, some tourists still feel compelled to get as close as possible to the King’s Guard horses.

Buska in The Park has shared several other videos showing people being bitten after ignoring the clear warnings. Nevertheless, the interactions between humans and the horses do occasionally result in these moments, reminding everyone of the need for respect and caution around these majestic animals.

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