Reasons behind Kevin Coster’s wife of 18 years Christine Baumgartner filing for divorce finally come to light

Outsiders would have thought that Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner’s nearly 20 years of marriage made for the ideal union.

Since even the renowned actor reportedly expressed shock upon learning the truth, it appears that he had a similar perception.

Read on to find out why Christine Baumgartner filed for divorce after 18 years of marriage by reading on.

The 68-year-old actor was reportedly taken by surprise when his 18-year marriage to Christine Baumgartner, 49, ended. Baumgartner wanted the actor to spend more time at his Santa Barbara home with his family, so it seems that Costner’s absence was ‘painful’ for him.

‘During filming, Kevin is not around very much. His absence has been very hard for her,’ a source reportedly said.

Another insider claimed that although while Costner knew his wife was unhappy in their marriage, he was nonetheless taken aback by her decision to file for divorce.

With Yellowstone being a huge success, Costner’s career has just undergone a rebirth. In addition, the actor will soon begin directing the Western epic Horizon.

His wife was supposedly concerned about his availability due to his present workload and impending endeavor.

‘Christine doesn’t want him to throw himself into another project. He has been obsessed with filming Horizon since last year. She wasn’t happy about it,’ a source reported.

‘At times, his career has taken precedence over his home life,’ another source added.

According to the source, he ‘hasn’t been home very much for quite some time due to filming, the popularity of Yellowstone, and the time necessary for his other projects. He has been in demand.’

‘All of this success and excitement over the new project probably took his attention away from his family more than he realized. Since it didn’t look like that would change and likely could get worse, it caused tension at home,’ the source added.

Since 2004 the couple had been wed. ‘Irreconcilable disagreements’ were given as the justification for Christine’s divorce filing. Cayden, Hayes, and Grace are the couple’s three children. All of their kids are underage.

Kevin Costner’s current marriage was not his first. The actor’s first marriage lasted from 1978 to 1994 to Cindy Silva. He and Silva are parents of Joe, Lily, and Annie. All of them are in their 30s. In addition, the actor and Bridget Rooney have a son together by the name of Liam Coster. This child was conceived during Costner’s first divorce.

According to reports, the actor has been in Utah filming his new movie, Horizon, which will be his first directorial effort in more than 20 years following his 2003 feature Open Range.

The actor was reportedly preoccupied filming his popular television series Yellowstone in Montana prior to his commitment to direct in Utah. Following the current season, the show will conclude, Paramount revealed last week.

According to rumors, Christine threatened to leave Costner if he didn’t quit the program the previous year.

Tuesday saw the filing of Costner’s response to the divorce, along with a request for joint custody of their three kids. In 2000, the couple got serious about dating. At the time, Baumgartner was a model and fashion designer. She wed the actor at his estate in Aspen, Colorado, in 2004.

‘It is with great sadness that circumstances beyond his control have transpired which have resulted in Mr. Costner having to participate in a dissolution of marriage action,’ read a prepared statement from Kevin Costner’s representative.

‘We ask that his, Christine’s and their children’s privacy be respected as they navigate this difficult time,’ the statement further read.

Reports state that Baumgartner has not requested spousal support. Laura Wasser has submitted Costner’s reply. Wasser continued, “Spousal support to be payable to petitioner pursuant to the terms of the parties’ Premarital Agreement.” This statement implies that the parties had a pre-nuptial agreement.

Their case will be heard in July.

Costner is not married for the first time. From 1978 through 1994, he was married to Cindy Silva. When they were both students at California State University, Fullerton, they first became acquainted as young adults.

According to reports, Silva helped Costner when he was a fledgling actor. She did odd occupations to help him achieve his goals, such as playing Snow White at Disneyland.

The couple had three children together. Following allegations that Costner had been having an affair with famous hula dancer Michele Amaral while he was in Hawaii filming his multi-million dollar flop Waterworld, the couple announced their divorce.

Allegations of an affair with Amaral have always been vigorously refuted by the actor. When asked about his relationship with Amaral in an interview, Costner became agitated and replied, ‘This woman has done nothing wrong and yet has had to share the harsh light of celebrity with me. I feel embarrassed, and I don’t think there’s one thing I can do to make her life better.’

Undoubtedly, this is a trying moment for the Costner family. As they navigate this challenging period of their life, they are on our minds. To keep them informed of fresh information on the actor, pass this along to other admirers of the actor.

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