Mom Gets Hate For Dragging Her Toddler At The Airport Using A Leash

Traveling with children could be hard for parents, especially when they are toddlers because there are times when they would throw temper tantrums out of nowhere, especially in places that you least expect them to act out.

It’s a luxury for some parents to be able to leave their kids at home with a caretaker while they travel. This isn’t the case for all parents who must often bring their young ones on trips.

In April 2022, a TikTok user named @cacadoodledoo83 shared a video taken at an airport where a toddler could be seen wearing a child safety harness/leash, which appeared to be attached to a backpack.

In the short clip, the baby appeared to be tired, so what the mom did was drag the child through the floor using the leash attached to the kid’s body.

Although there were some people who passed by and saw what happened, no one seemed to have bothered to call out the mom for what she did, as they just looked at her and carried on with their day.

“Leaving Cancun is tough … I feel ya buddy!” the user wrote in the caption.

As of October 2023, the video has garnered more than 2.9 million views and a flurry of diverse comments.

There were some users who weren’t fond of using a harness for a child, as one wrote in a reposted video on Instagram, “Shouldn’t drag your child like that.”

“I would have pick him up regardless not drag him tf funny no funny pick him up,” one wrote.

Another user commented that the woman was pulling the child slowly, but they were worried about rug burns.

“She’s pulling him slow and it looks like it’s relaxing him. The only thing I’d be worried about are rug burns,” they wrote.

“Child abuse. That carpet is filthy. Horrible mother. Call CPS,” one commented. Another user expressed similar concerns as they wrote, “horrible parent. that’s child abuse.”

“First off I’m never putting a restraint device on my child. My voice is all I need,” one wrote.

Although there were users who disagreed with what the mom did, there were also those who appeared to be supportive and found nothing concerning about the video.

“Been there! My twins thought they were marionette’s on the child safety harnesses! ??? Toddler and mom are fine,” one wrote.

“Guys the kid is obviously enjoying this or he would get up or yell ? he’s fine leave the momma be,” another one wrote.

“I love how she’s dedicated to dragging him slowly so he doesn’t get carpet burn ? ? oh I do not miss the toddler days ?,” one commented.

One father chimed in the conversation as he wrote, “people mad in the comments don’t know the meaning of a toddler tantrum??? I know this as a father to three girls two of them twins.”

One user seemed to have resonated with the mom’s feelings as they wrote, “I feel her pain, she’s exhausted, she is doing the best she can.”

Another user noted that they wouldn’t do what the mom did, but they were okay with the situation, “That’s not something I would’ve done. But by the looks of it, she’s being gentle dragging the child.”

What do you think of what the mom did to her child at the airport? Do you think it was appropriate for her to drag the toddler through the carpet? Let us know your thoughts, and make sure to pass this on to your friends and family.

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