Jimmy Fallon Outlaws Dancing Spurring Kevin Bacon To Make An Entrance With ‘Footloose’ Performance

Kevin Bacon performed to ‘Footloose’ on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, after Jimmy “outlaws” dancing on the show.

“Footloose” came out in the 1980s, and it is regarded as one of the most important cultural icons of the time. This movie made its entrance in 1984. It was set in Bomont, Utah, where the town council placed a ban on rock music and dancing. Right at that moment, Kevin Bacon’s character moved to that town, and he started an entire musical rebellion!

The thing that surprises a lot of people is the fact that this movie was inspired by a true story. Time reports that in Oklahoma, the city of Elmore banned dancing in 1898, and this ban was not to be overturned until 1980! Not many people can imagine living in a place where they are not allowed to dance. They wouldn’t have been able to enjoy a school dance or have dances at a club. It just wouldn’t have been any fun!

The Movie

“Footloose” came out 30 years ago, and Jimmy Fallon, host of “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” took the opportunity to commemorate the event with a funny skit. He invited Kevin Bacon on his show, and while he was introducing him, he mentioned that “Footloose” was having an anniversary. Right after he said that, he let his audience know that they are not allowed to dance on his show from now on.

The audience let out a loud “boo,” and Jimmy Fallon pulled out a decree that read “Dancing Outlawed.” Acknowledging the crowd’s displeasure with the ruling, Jimmy Fallon stated, “Rules are rules.” Then, he introduced his guest, but no one came out.

Kevin Bacon was in the green room watching the beginning monologue. After he heard that Jimmy Fallon outlawed dancing, he said, “Dancing is illegal?” As he turned the television off, he threw the remote away as he said, “Jump back!”

He took out a cassette tape that he placed in a cassette player that just happened to be embedded in the wall, and we hear the beginning of the song. When “Footloose” started to play, Kevin Bacon was transported back to 1984, and he went into his old dance routine.

Jimmy Fallon outlawed dancing on his late night show, but Kevin Bacon had the last word on the issue when he came out dancing to “Footloose.” Then, all was right with the world again.

This was pretty entertaining. Your friends might enjoy reading about this, so make sure that you let them know that Kevin Bacon had to abolish a “no dancing” ordinance 30 years after he did it the first time. If you have thoughts on this subject, we welcome you to leave them here so that we can continue this conversation.

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