Blind Autistic Girl Shocks Crowd When She Flawlessly And Emotionally Plays Piano: “How She Communicates With The World”

Neurodivergence is a term for people whose brains process things differently than those considered neurotypical. It has nothing to do with intelligence, and neurodivergent people often have incredible gifts.

Lucy Illingworth, 13, is blind, autistic, and one of the most talented piano players we’ve ever heard. The young girl cannot communicate with words, but she tells incredible stories as her fingers touch the keys of the piano. The moment she begins, people quite literally stop what they are doing to listen to her play.

Lucy’s mom, Candice Flynn, knew her daughter had something special from a very young age and helped her cultivate what came naturally to her. When she was 12, Lucy competed in the British music competition show The Piano and won the top prize. She captured the hearts of her country and the respect of millions.

Lucy’s Mom Says Her Daughter Is A Gift
Candice told Channel 4 that Lucy picked up a toy keyboard at a very young age and played Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star perfectly. She said it was a magical moment. Even though her daughter’s life is different, she wants the same things all moms do.

“As Lucy’s Mum, all I really want for her is to be happy, safe, secure, and to continue just being Lucy. I’ve always maintained that if one day Lucy decided music wasn’t for her anymore, I’d respect that decision! Honestly, though, I can’t see that ever happening, as music and Lucy are soulmates connected in every way possible,” she told Channel 4.

Candice believes that her daughter is special in many ways. Her musical talent comes from deep inside her soul. When Lucky plays the piano, she becomes something else entirely.

She told Channel 4, “Honestly, I just believe Lucy is music – she has musical notes flowing through her blood.”

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