We all have to make decisions in life and there are going to be some decisions we may regret. Nobody knows this better than a man named Ethan, who has most of his body covered with tattoos.
Ethan, who hails from Australia was happy to have his face and body covered in tattoos but there came a time when he had a life-changing experience. It involved what he says are some 200 tattoos on his body, so much so that you had a hard time telling where one ended and the next design started.
When Ethan began his makeover, he was only 11 years old and had extended earlobes. He then had his tongue split to look like a snake. He was looking for what he called a ‘pure canvas’ including having his naval remains removed and then he started inking his body.
When his daughter was born, things changed for Ethan and he began to wonder if his decision to have tattoos all over his body was worth it. For the past year, he has been going through the painful and difficult process of tattoo removal, something that is reversing what he used to love.
Even though the path has been difficult, Ethan has undergone seven laser removal procedures. After each treatment, there is a lengthy recuperation that adds a lot of strain to the body.
When you look at Ethan, you can’t help but notice that he is returning to his true nature and he is accepting it for all the right reasons. His claim, however, is that he is not purifying his body but rather, he is ‘restoring the canvas’. It will be interesting to see where he takes this next.