Little boy and girl are forgotten by their parents, then a single dad shows up and changes their lives

Sometimes families are not biologically linked but chosen. This is the case for this single dad who chose to become a parent in a way that is considered unconventional for single men. said

Keep reading to learn more about the heartwarming story of this seemingly unconventional family.

Peter Mutabazi has fostered 36 children in recent years and now has added two more little ones to him ever-growing family. Mutabazi adopted his son, 17-year-old Anthony Mubataz in 2019. And recently, he opened up his home to 8-year-old Isabella and 7-year-old Luke.

The 49-year-old said about the experience, “It’s absolutely a joy,” adding, “I can be their forever home.” And Peter is a dad who is incredibly dedicated to his family.

He posts about his life on his Instagram account, with the handle @fosterdadflipper. He shares what it is like being a foster dad. He wants to show people that it is possible for families to be of different skin color.

He hopes to inspire men to become better, more involved fathers in their children’s lives. While he has adopted his children as a foster dad, his main passion is to reunite children with their biological parents.

“I am a foster parent that will always, always fight for the bio parent to have their kids back,” he passionately says. But he does promise his foster children that if they are unable to reunite with their biological parents, they will have a home with him forever.

In May 2020, a 5-year-old girl and a 4-year-old boy wound up in Peter’s home. The children had been neglected by their parents due to drug-related issues and were initially only placed in Peter’s home for four months.

However, as time went on, the children’s biological parents became more and more distant. The calls and videos slowly became less frequent, and soon communication ceased all together.

He recalls the issue, “I’m a Black guy, they are white kids. They’re looking for a family member. But that never happened. No one took them in, no one claimed them.”

Earlier this year, in April 2023, the children’s biological parents had their parental rights terminated. The moment was bittersweet for Peter, who knew that now he would legally be able to adopt the children and become their dad.

“That’s when I knew that now, I can finally be their dad,” he recalled.

“I cried all day,” he shared. “The kids literally have a parent they dreamt could come back for them. But they’ve just given up. It’s a loss. I felt the loss for them.”

He had a heart-to-heart with the two young children and explained to them that their biological parents would not be coming back for them. He told them that they had a place in his home forever.

He described his adopted son Luke as “kind and sweet” who had a love for drawing. While his daughter Isabella, he shared while laughing, was “the boss of the house.” He said Isabella was lively and enjoyed the outdoors, with dreams of becoming a veterinarian one day.

Peter regularly posts on his Instagram account. To protect the identity of his children, he has them wear sunglasses and uses pseudonyms for them. He is currently also fostering a few children, 2-year-old Bella and two refugee siblings from Senegal, who he emphasizes have a mom who loves them.

“They’re white, I’m Black, but somehow we can still provide that normalcy and what every child needs: A family,” he says. Peter has penned a book titled “Now I Am Known” and has also founded a charity. His work towards the good of humanity is heartwarming.

“There’s so many kids that need a home,” he shared. Adding, “If I can help two more, I’ll be more than happy.”

There are families of all kinds in this world! It does not matter what the color of your skin is; what matters is in your heart. Share this with others to inspire them and remind them of what family really means!

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