Cold-hearted son steals elderly parents’ money – spends it all on luxury trips with wife

Most people would agree that, most of the time, there is no one else in the world who you can trust more than your own family.

They’re the people who stick with you through thick and thin, and are always there whenever you need them.

Though, unfortunately, sometimes this kindness and unconditional love can be taken advantage of – especially for this elderly couple, who were left penniless after their own son stole thousands of pounds from them. Keep reading to hear what this awful son did…

Most of us have one or more people close to us who we know will always stand up for us no matter what – whether that be close friends or family.

When life has its ups and downs, we know that we can count on these people to be there for us with open arms – they make us feel safe when we are with them.

Their support is invaluable, and I honestly don’t know what I would do without this type of support in my life!

Though, sadly, not everyone has the same basic attitude… And for this elderly couple, their so-called support system turned out to be the same thing that made them penniless.

According to the Mirror, Fred and Enid had left their son Gary in charge of their finances, making him their power of attorney after one of them had a serious fall in 2017.

Gary had to take over the accounts to ensure that important things such as bills were paid, so that his parents wouldn’t have to worry about it in their old age. But it turned out that the parents made a big mistake in trusting their son.

Gary, an only child, and his wife Diane then moved Fred and Enid into their converted garage and sold their house for £150,000 ($185,000) which was considerably under the asking price. They then began to spend the money.

The couple went on luxury trips and boasted on social media
Instead of taking care of their finances as they had settled, the son chose to spend all their money together with his wife.

They spent £117,000 pounds, equivalent to approximately $144,000, on all-inclusive luxury trips where they indulged in all the best life can offer.

The couple stayed in luxurious hotels, ate good food, and splashed the cash on precious jewelry – all while the elderly parents believed their money was in good hands.

Among other things, the couple went on a 14-day trip to Jamaica and to Cape Verede, as well as renovated their kitchen at home.

Diane also took the opportunity to have a costly dental procedure that cost £9,000, or $11,000.

The couple also boasted about their expensive lifestyle on social media and were more than happy to post pictures of themselves showing off their expensive purchases.

The couple is convicted of fraud
And when Gary and Diane was done tapping into the older couple’s accounts, there wasn’t much left.

In fact, after the couple had drained Fred and Enid’s account, they were only left with just under 40 cents.

Now Gary and Diane have been charged and sentenced for gross fraud, abuse of power, and money laundering. The couple is set to receive six years in prison, writes the Mirror.

Since Fred and Enid had their money stolen by their son and daughter-in-law, Enid reportedly passed away and Fred is now alone.

My heart aches to read about this. All our thoughts go out to Enid and especially Fred!

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