New Photo Of Kate Middleton’s Son George Left Us Speechless

Prince George, the eldest of the Cambridge kids, is continuing to grow up right before our eyes. George’s parents, Prince William and Kate Middleton, have regularly made headlines for their beautiful romance and their great parenting techniques for the small prince and his siblings, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

George has already begun showing several aspects of his personality and interests, proving that he is following well in the royal family line. And even though his age is still in the single digits, George already has some important responsibilities.

George is Queen Elizabeth II’s great-grandchild and is third in the line of royal succession. If things go as planned, George will become king after his grandfather Charles, the Prince of Wales, and after his father, the Duke of Cambridge. He will be England’s 43rd monarch since 1066.

The young prince was born on July 22, 2013, making him 10 years old. He has already accomplished so much in his life despite his young age and is set to embark on even more fun journeys and important lessons in the near future.

According to The Telegraph, George and his family celebrated the royal’s 8th birthday privately in 2021. However, he still celebrated in style and had a delightful party. In 2020, the Cambridge brood similarly commemorated George’s birthday, with Kate taking a photo of the then-7-year-old in a camouflage shirt at Anmer Hall.

Let’s look at some fun facts about George, a deeper look into his already eventful life, and take a peek at the new picture released on his parents’ official Instagram account.

Raising kids is no easy feat, not even for royalty. It’s no surprise that children misbehave every now and then, and sometimes they need a little extra guidance from their caretakers to help lead them back toward the right path, whether it be advice from a teacher, an extra helping hand from a babysitter, or words of encouragement from their parents. On top of that, children with siblings are bound to fight with each other from time to time.

Even William and Kate have had to work on diffusing fights between their three children some days. Although all children are in line for the throne, they don’t always act like proper princes and princesses. In fact, the group is known to get into some small arguments here and there, especially between George and Charlotte. This is when children begin to understand the world around them and want to express their opinions, even if it means disagreeing with their siblings.

In December 2021, William appeared on Apple’s “Time To Walk” podcast. He talked about what it’s like being a father of three children who all have such bursting personalities and how it’s common for his two eldest children to argue with each other in the morning. George and Charlotte actually argue almost every single morning, giving the royal parents a busy way to jumpstart their day.

Hoping to start off the day on a high note, William and Kate made the decision to begin each morning with a dance around the kitchen with their kids to whichever song they chose. Unfortunately, this seemed to be the main cause of arguments between the two eldest Cambridge children, as they often argued with each other about which song they should play.

“Most mornings there’s a massive fight between Charlotte and George as to what song is played,” the Duke of Cambridge said, as per Yahoo News.

Fortunately, the endless days of hearing his kids bicker with one another have actually helped William figure out a way to put their disputes to an end.

According to Yahoo News, he implemented a musical rota, alternating between which child gets to pick the song that is played each morning. This way, everyone will get to hear the type of music that they want to listen to; they just have to wait for their designated day.

Even though the Cambridge kids have argued in the past over which song they think deserves to be played that particular morning, William revealed that this is one song that always makes them happy and gets them dancing.

“One of the songs that the children are loving at the moment is Shakira’s ‘Waka Waka,’” he said. “There’s a lot of hip movements going along with a lot of dressing up. Charlotte particularly is running around the kitchen, in her dresses and ballet stuff. She goes completely crazy with Louis following her around trying to do the same thing.”

However, the Duke of Cambridge explained that his music taste is a bit different from that of George, Charlotte and Louis. Instead, William typically likes to listen to rock music to help get his morning moving along.

“There’s nothing better than, on a Monday morning, when you’re a bit bleary-eyed after the weekend and trying to get yourself back into the grind of the week, listening to AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck,’” he said. “It absolutely wakes you up, puts your week in the best mood possible, and you feel like you can take on anything and anyone.”

Time and again, William and Kate have shared heartwarming memories with their children, George, Charlotte and Louis, and have given insights into these precious moments with the world. The royal parents have shown that they are working hard at raising their kids to become the best version of themselves.

A source told Us Weekly that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have a “strict but fair” parenting style and that even though George is to be king in the future, they do not spoil or coddle him. The source added, “The royals are renowned for being ‘stiff upper lip,’ but William and Kate have a more modern approach to parenting and are moving away from that mentality. Open communication is key for them. … (But they) set boundaries and have rules in place.”

It is important to William and Kate that their eldest son has a very regular upbringing. “He’s not called Prince George at school and is simply known as George, he mixes with children his own age,” the source told Us Weekly.

“Kate and William don’t shower him with expensive gifts nor do they over spoil him… George makes his bed every morning… All the children have impeccable manners and always say please and thank you.”

According to Marie Claire, the family nanny also enforces a “no nonsense” upbringing when raising George, Charlotte and Louis. However, this doesn’t mean that William and Kate don’t have fun with their kids. The children thoroughly enjoyed playing outside and spending time in the gardens at their Norfolk residence, Anmer Hall.

Dr. Amanda Gummer, a child development expert and psychologist, told Express UK that Kate’s parenting style is “powerful.”It’s lovely to see the Duchess demonstrate some really powerful parenting techniques,” Dr. Gummer said, adding, “(For example) a focus on playfulness and meeting the children where they are at, getting down to their level and meeting their gaze when talking to them.”

The royal children have certainly learned a lot in their short lives already. George has also shown that he enjoys life’s simple pleasures – and he even likes doing chores! According to Yahoo, the young prince has begun developing a great work ethic and enjoys spending time helping out on a local farm during his school days. His mom, Kate, said, “That was George’s job at the half term – moving feed.”

William previously opened up about his son’s love for farm chores. “We’ve been lambing with the children this week,” he told primary school teacher Rhian Roberts – whose family operates a dairy farm – back in 2020. The Duke of Cambridge continued:

“Charlotte wasn’t sure at first, but George was straight in there… They love seeing the lambs and feeding the lambs. Louis loves the tractors.”

Visiting local farms has helped expand the children’s mindset. “He said they’ve been lambing this week up in Norfolk,” Roberts explained. “They want the children to see the country way of life as well as the city way of life.” According to the Daily Mail, Roberts also mentioned how “down to earth” William was and how his interest in farming was evident in his children.

Being an active member of the royal family comes with plenty of responsibilities, so it can be hard for royals to make time for themselves and their passions. Fortunately for the Cambridge children, William and Kate have always made sure that George, Charlotte and Louis have plenty of time to engage in all of their favorite activities and further develop their hobbies.

While George has already shown that he is interested in helping others and giving back, he also has some pretty fun hobbies. According to BBC, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spoke about George and Charlotte’s hobbies after partaking in some sports themselves at a Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) club in Galway, Ireland, in March 2020. William and Kate got to watch a performance by the band NØÖV while they were there, and afterward, Kate told the group:

“When did you all start playing? It has been so interesting hearing all the storytelling over the last couple of days. I wish we could have brought George and Charlotte along, they would have loved it. And George is starting to learn the guitar.”

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge also watched a demonstration as a pair of tightrope walkers did a routine on a balancing beam. Kate said:

“Charlotte is really into gymnastics, she’s doing cartwheels, handstands, everything. It’s so good for their basic skills of balance and coordination.”

William added:

“And their flexibility, it’s really good for their long-term health, isn’t it? We went to watch the Cirque du Soleil recently, it was amazing.”

Although he is only 10 years old, George already has a budding personality and strong interests in many hobbies. He is also a very important figure in the royal family. As George is third in line to the throne and will most certainly be king one day, his birth was a significant event for the royal family and was highly anticipated.

According to Royal UK, George was born in the late afternoon on July 22, 2013, at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. As William and Kate left the hospital the following day, they commemorated the special moment by pausing on the steps of the hospital’s Lindo Wing, allowing people to sneak a peek at the new prince.

In celebration of the prince’s birth, commemorative coins were issued by the Royal Mint, Royal Canadian Mint and Royal Australian Mint. The Royal Mint struck lucky by designing the coin after St. George much earlier than George’s name was announced, but this was also the first time a royal birth had been marked in this way.

While George’s birth was meaningful to the world, it, of course, was especially significant to his family members, including the Queen. George is lucky enough to have a nickname for the Queen as the two of them are quite close, according to Romper. After all, Elizabeth has many formal names, such as Her Majesty and Head of the Commonwealth.
George, however, adorably called the Queen Gan-Gan. “George is only 2 ½ and he calls her ‘Gan-Gan,” Kate said in ITV’s “Our Queen at Ninety,” according to Yahoo Entertainment. “She always leaves a little gift or something in their room when we go and stay and that just shows her love for her family.”

Back in 2021, the Queen was sure to wish George a happy 8th birthday, even from a distance. According to an anonymous source cited in an Us Magazine exclusive, the Queen “zoomed Prince George to wish him a happy birthday” and “sent him a lovely gift as a surprise.” The source then added that George “loves his great grandmother so much.”

The Cambridge family also uploaded a charming video of George on their YouTube account. According to the video, George celebrated the day with his parents. Earlier in the year, he helped celebrate the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s 10th wedding anniversary. He also previously attended the Euro 2020 final at Wembley Stadium in England and discovered a passion for animals with none other than Sir David Attenborough. The accomplished man gifted the young prince a fossilized shark tooth after meeting.

Like his father, George also has a love for airplanes. William was once a full-time helicopter pilot with the RAF Search and Rescue Force. He had been working with East Anglian Air Ambulance, and the family lived permanently at Anmer Hall on the Sandringham Estate during the first few years of George’s life, according to Cosmopolitan. Kate told Lucinda Conder in 2016, “George is now obsessed with the air cadets and wants to join.”

Now, George is 10 years old and is proving to be as charismatic and kind-hearted as the rest of the Cambridge household. The official Instagram account for William and Kate posted an adorable picture of the young prince beaming at the camera while standing on what seems to be a beach. George looks very much like his father with that smile, we think!

What do you think about the eldest Cambridge child? Let us know, and be sure to send this to any royal family fan you know!

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