Woman Receives Support Online After She Refused To Give Up Her First Class Seat To A 13-Year-Old Kid

Although flying an aircraft is one of the most convenient ways to travel around the world as it’s better than crossing oceans like people in the past used to do, it can sometimes be a hassle, especially when there are problems when it comes to booking flights.

More recently, a woman who was seated in first class was approached by a flight agent asking if she could swap seats with a kid. Although she refused to do it, many people found her brave move commendable.

The content creator by the name of Life With Dr Sabra took to TikTok to share her experience. She shared a video of herself taking a selfie video. In the clip, the text reads: “POV: Flight agent asks me if I want to give up my 1A seat so a child sits with their family.”

In the caption, Sabra shared more details about what happened and noted that she didn’t grant the request of the flight agent.

She also explained that the family was able to find a solution.

“i am not a terrible human being. Also the child was like 13,” she added.

A similar experience happened to a woman named Tammy Nelson, who also refused one of the passenger’s requests to transfer to a different seat in order for a mother to sit next to her children.

In a video posted on TikTok, the content creator under the username MyCONQUERing revealed that the mom complained to the person next to her for over 15 minutes, but the passenger defended her decision.

The user said she appreciated the person who defended her because she felt guilty about not giving up her seat.

Sabra’s TikTok video received praise from thousands of people who commented on her video, and one mom sided with her as she noted that it was the parent’s responsibility to plan their travels ahead of time.

“As a mom, it’s a parents responsibility to plan ahead. Just traveled to Europe for 1.5 months with my toddler and no one had to move,” she wrote.

Another commenter noted that the person who asked Sabra to switch seats should be ashamed of their actions as they wrote, “if they want to switch seats in Economy, I would consider it. But if I paid extra for comfort, hell no! attendant should be ashamed to even try.”

In the comment section, Sabra shared a thorough explanation and clarification of what happened during her flight.

She told her followers that a gate agent was the person who asked her, not a flight attendant. She then asked to see a seat map, but she didn’t prefer the alternative solution.

“The family never addressed me. I think it was even the airline’s rule, not them asking to sit together,” she added.

One commenter then chimed in and shared what they would do if the situation was to happen to them. They wrote, “I would have told the parent to switch seats with the person in economy to sit next to their child.”

Another user noted that the complete opposite happened to her. She revealed that she initially booked an economy seat, and when they scanned her ticket, she was told to move so a family could sit together. Fortunately, her seat was upgraded to first class, and she was okay with it.

One user seemingly did a different move as they recalled an experience from the past wherein they gave up their window seat for a child to be seated with her mom because the girl was “scared.”

“When I was 18 I did give up my window sweat so a child could sit with her mom. I kept thinking of how scared the child was,” they wrote.

They later clarified that nobody asked her to switch seats, but rather, it was their own decision because “the girl was nervous.”

Another one disagreed with Sabra as the commenter said they would give up their seat for a child because “a flight is just a flight in the end.”

One commenter recalled an encounter during a flight to Hawaii. He noted that a lady “strong arm(ed)” him for his seat, and he later gave in. Unfortunately, it was the worst experience for him.

“Had a lady strong arm me for my aisle seat to Hawaii two weeks ago cause she needed to sit by her kids… Worst middle seat flight ever,” they wrote.

Another commenter opened up about a situation where they had no control over the bookings of the seating arrangement in the airplane as they recalled that they had to sit alone “in between two men” and it was uncomfortable for him.

They added, “You shouldn’t just give away your seat if it’s a couple or adults but if someone asks me to sit with their kid, I will since I don’t want the kid to be uncomfortable.”

What do you think of the woman’s experience on the flight? Would you give up your seat to a mom who wanted to sit with her children? Let us know your thoughts, and make sure to pass this on to your friends and family.

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