Cheerleaders Strut Onto Field, Parents Appalled To See Their Outfits

A high school cheerleading video went viral on social media. When you see it, you’ll immediately understand what all the fuss is about. A squad of cheerleaders from a high school in Miami can be seen strutting out onto a football field, and parents were appalled as soon as they noticed what the young girls were wearing.

Any parent worth their salt wants to preserve the innocence of their children for as long as possible, but that is growing increasingly difficult as time passes and our secular society oversexualizes young girls. High school cheerleaders are no exception.

Case in point: The uniforms worn by cheerleaders from a high school in Miami, Florida. To say it’s something you don’t expect a young girl to be wearing, let alone in public, is a bit of an understatement. What’s more, the risqué outfits were worn for a school function at the one place we’d expect some form of dress code or at least a little modesty — school.

These young girls strutted out onto the football field leaving almost nothing to the imagination in lacy black lingerie. The teen cheerleaders are seen clad in lingerie-like outfits, boots, and garters as they do their dance routine. The girls use a fan to fan their faces and hold travel bags, as part of the routine, according to BizPac Review.

The vast majority of these girls are likely underage, having yet to graduate high school. At most, some may be seniors of eighteen years old. However, it’s much more likely that they are minors, and some could even be as young as 13. Viewers were understandably appalled by the disturbing footage.

“I’d never let my high school daughter out the house with that on! The parents should be ashamed,” one viewer commented. “This is terrible, borderline pedo,” another said.

“I’m pretty much going to jail for assault and battery, child endangerment and disorderly conduct after I punch a couple administrators at the game,” wrote social media user Teddy Lee. “I’m also wondering how the f**k this got past the parents.”

The scantily-clad girls were clad in blue and black, and their coordinated dance was mostly composed of hip gyrations. The video then cuts to the football field, where they continue their dance as the school’s marching band streams by, according to Daily Mail.

Frankly, it is appalling that these outfits, which look like they were taken straight out of a Victoria’s Secret fashion show, and the accompanying routine were green-lighted by the adults involved. One is led to wonder exactly how many of these girls’ cheerleading coaches saw them practicing and looked the other way, never voicing any concern over their sexualized routine.

Likewise, exactly how many parents actually bought their high school-aged daughters these lingerie outfits to perform in? None of their parents found it the least bit inappropriate for their daughter to strut out onto the football field in a garter belt with the entire school watching?

It’s no wonder teen pregnancies are such an epidemic that young girls can now be featured on a reality television show for having premarital sex and conceiving a child out of wedlock. We are glorifying the sexualization of teenage girls.

The viewer who noted that this is borderline pedophilic was absolutely right. Furthermore, I hope none of the parents of these girls are surprised when they find their precious baby working at a strip club downtown.

Children learn what they live, and right now, they are living like adult entertainers, using their bodies to garner all the wrong attention on the sidelines of the football field. Don’t think those lessons won’t carry over into their adulthood.

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