Woman’s Life-Altering Surgery On Her Nose Wholly Transformed Her Appearance

We all dream about having perfect skin, but unfortunately, most of us aren’t that lucky. Having bad skin can lead to confidence issues or make people feel embarrassed about their scars and acne. Although there are plenty of products we can use to help remedy any issues with our skin, some people need professional advice and help to make their skin look as flawless as possible.

Since our faces are the biggest thing others notice when interacting with us it’s very difficult to hide conditions like acne, which can be additionally devastating to sufferers with similar skin conditions. This can often lead to psychological distress for the sufferer and falls under psychodermatology, which takes into account the mind and skin connection and how disfigurement can result in psychological problems such as decreased self-esteem, depression and even social phobia.

Doctors who work in this area aim to not only alleviate a patient’s physical symptoms but also the psychological distress that might be a secondary factor to any skin symptoms they have.

The devastation of how a physical ailment can have major psychological ramifications is exemplified in the story of a brave woman named Pamela, who first visited the talk show “The Doctors” in 2016. On the show, Pamela explained her rare story about her condition and her enlarged nose, hoping to get some help in feeling better about her appearance.

Over the course of years, Pamela’s skin worsened from what appeared to be acne to a rare form of rosacea called rhinophyma, wherein the nose becomes red, large and bulbous. This caused her to begin living as a recluse as she couldn’t face going outside. But thankfully, with medical intervention from the team at “The Doctors,” Pamela has been given a new lease on life.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video

While Pamela’s condition is rare, her story began not unlike many of ours. After having pretty nice skin in her youth, hormones kicked in during puberty around the age of 15, which led to a list of skin problems such as acne. As it does for many people, it continued on and after she gave birth to her second child, her skin only continued to get worse. This was when she first noticed that the shape of her nose was even starting to change. She explains during her appearance on “The Doctors” that her nose began to swell up and get larger around this time.

Following this, the mother of two was diagnosed with a very severe form of rosacea called rhinophyma, an inflammatory skin condition that can leave people with an enlarged nose due to thickened skin in the area. Pamela did not take the diagnosis well and became extremely self-conscious. She didn’t like looking at her own reflection. She had become so insecure about her appearance that she even began leading a reclusive lifestyle to the point that she barely left her own house. She said on “The Doctors”:

“I feel so embarrassed. It has stopped me from leaving the house. I have had anxiety for a long time.”

The mother just wanted to feel like herself again. Desperate to change her condition, she said through tears:

“There’s got to be a cure for this, there’s just got to be. I just want to look normal.”

Thankfully for Pamela, there are treatments available to help her condition. With the help of doctors on the panel of the show, Pamela finally got the help she needed and her life was set to change for the better.

Pamela’s Condition

Rhinophyma, the condition that led to Pamela’s unfortunate enlarged nose, arises when severe rosacea around the nose is left untreated for a period of time. Rosacea itself is a skin condition that most commonly leaves the people afflicted by it with red, enflamed-looking skin in the face, especially around the nose, cheeks, mouth and forehead. It has been documented for centuries and was even mentioned in “The Canterbury Tales” and by writers of Ancient Greece.

Despite this, the exact causes of this skin condition are still completely unknown. Studies have shown that certain types of food, including various vegetables, milk products and alcohol, environmental changes, such as being out in the biting cold or heat, or certain drugs can cause rosacea “flare-ups,” as they’re called. A potential trigger can cause one of these flare-ups, leaving affected people with acute red skin, pimples and swelling. But the question of why rosacea develops in the first place is still unanswered.

When rosacea around the nose is left untreated and grows in severity, rhinophyma such as what Pamela suffered from can occur. In this case, the constant swelling and irritation caused by rosacea enlarge the nose bit by bit. The condition is painless but can cause great mental distress due to the large, red nose, which is often unfairly associated with a drinking problem. Physical problems can arise if the swelling not only enlarges the nose but also presses down on the airways. In extreme cases, it may even impede breathing. However, even when this is not the case, the change in appearance is enough to warrant special treatment procedures that basically help to trim the nose down to a normal level. Needless to say, the condition has the potential to wreak havoc on a sufferer’s mental health.

During her first appearance on “The Doctors” in 2016, the panel spoke about Pamela’s condition but told her that there is hope as treatment is available. That’s when they got board-certified dermatologist Dr. Ann Zedlitz on the case. She explained more about rosacea, stating:

“In the early stages, topical medications and some oral medications will suffice. As the disease progresses, then we can utilize laser therapy. In the advanced stages, surgical intervention is required.”

Because the condition is so unique to each individual, it’s important that a doctor tailors treatments to each person’s specific case. As Dr. Zedlitz explained, treatments for the early stages include topical and/or oral medications that can work to control the redness and any bumps and pimples the patient might have. For more progressive stages of rosacea, lasers, intense pulsed light sources and other medical or surgical devices might be employed to help get rid of visible blood vessels or correct disfigurement of the nose. A type of rosacea that affects the eyes, known as ocular rosacea, can also be treated with anti-inflammatory medications and other therapies.

Rosacea.org says that once the condition is under control, the patient can continue on with long-term use of an anti-inflammatory therapy to “maintain remission.” Furthermore, patients can help assist any medical interventions by following a skin-care routine that’s compatible with rosacea, as well as being mindful of lifestyle and environmental factors that can trigger flare-ups. These can include avoiding certain foods and drinks or abstaining from certain activities that can make the condition worse.

On Pamela’s first appearance on “The Doctors,” Dr. Zedlitz told her that she wished to do all of her treatments at no charge, leading the mother to begin crying and stating she felt “happy” and that it would be “a new beginning” for her.

Medical Intervention

Not only was Pamela about to undergo a life-changing nose surgery and subsequent treatment for her condition that would change her outward appearance but it would also have a major impact on how she felt about herself.

After getting started on treatments with Dr. Zedlitz, Pamela looked like a completely different person when she made her second appearance on “The Doctors” in early 2017. She was so unrecognizable that one of the doctors on the show even had to do a double-take as he couldn’t believe how drastic Pamela’s transformation was. The panel of doctors had previously helped Pamela meet Dr. Zedlitz, to finally help her condition and get her to tackle the insecurities she had about her appearance.

Dr. Zedlitz explained how she was able to treat Pamela’s skin condition and bulbous nose. Alongside surgery, the dermatologist worked in three distinct treatment stages that used a blend of CO2 laser therapy, fillers and oral medications. Firstly, she aimed at debulking the thickened skin on Pamela’s nose and parts of her face by using a CO2 laser and Ultherapy, which is a skin tightening procedure. Pamela underwent the procedures one week after first appearing on “The Doctors.” After healing during the following month, she came back and Dr. Zedlitz repeated the processes once more. She explained that she “finessed the edges onto the cheek and took care of some acne scarring that Pamela had.”

One month after these initial steps, Dr. Zedlitz moved to the next stage, which involved using fillers to “re-volumize the face and certain parts of acne scarring also,” as well as using a relaxant named Dysport.

Beautiful Inside And Out

Three weeks after those procedures, they moved on to the next stage which included oral medications spironolactone and isotretinoin. These steps would help dry up the oils in Pamela’s skin and shrink her pores, leaving her with absolutely glowing skin and a smaller nose.

Dr. Zedlitz explained that Pamela had only been on the medication for two weeks and still had six more months to go of her treatment, meaning her skin was going to get even clearer. What’s more, it had only been three months since Pamela’s first appearance on “The Doctors,” but the change was already enormous.

Walking out onto the set of the show, Pamela looked absolutely radiant. Not only did she look completely different from her first appearance but her demeanor had also changed. Pamela was already fully embracing the new beginning of her next chapter of life. “I am excited about the new me,” Pamela said. “I no longer hide!” Pamela’s new appearance was breathtaking, but what was even more incredible to witness was her newfound sense of confidence.

Furthermore, her story is an inspiration to others and an example that no matter how futile your situation might seem, it’s always possible to get help. One of the doctors on the show, Dr. Travis Stork stated:

“The great thing about Pam, you sharing your story is the educational component because we have rarely seen a more dramatic before and after reveal. Because you were dealing with a medical condition that has now been treated and it’s going to continue to be treated and anyone out there who is dealing with something like this to know that this is possible.”

As Dr. Stork explains, Pamela’s turn on “The Doctors” not only allowed her to change her appearance and therefore her mental state, but it’d led her to help others with her story.

The changes that Pamela underwent were obviously a lot more than just physical, with her entire disposition changing after her makeover as well. Viewers of “The Doctors” agreed, with one person commenting on the show’s YouTube channel: “How she carries herself is the big difference. So confident and feminine.” Another agreed, saying:

“I’m so happy for her!! You can see the sparkle in her eyes and walking so confident! Lovely lady with a great doctor!”

Others wrote that they felt bad for Pamela before but they were overjoyed to see how much happier she became. Meanwhile, others noted how excellent Dr. Zedlitz’s work was, with one writing: “I love that this dermatologist didn’t focus only on the nose. She really did right by this woman.” Yet another commented:

“That’s what doctors are supposed to do, love people and change lives! Keep up the good work and positive examples for your peers.”

It’s clear that with the help of the show “The Doctors” and Dr. Zedlitz, Pamela was truly given a new lease on life. Her condition may have only begun as a physical one but over time the psychological distress wrecked her mental health and caused her to turn away from the outside world. With the help of medical intervention, not only did Pamela get the makeover of her dreams but she also found the strength and confidence to finally live her life to the fullest. This video is a reminder that no matter what you might be going through, there is always help out there as well as people who want to change lives for the better.

What do you think about this woman’s beautiful and dramatic transformation? Were you surprised to see how different she looked? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your family and friends to find out what they think, too.

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