The Mid Vermont school’s girls’ basketball team was pulled from the Vermont Division IV state tournament after refusing to play with a transgender student player Vicki Fogg, the school’s principal, said if you play with the man who gave birth to it jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of their players.

Vermont law allows transgender students to play on girls’ sports teams, and the Vermont Principals Association supports best practices through their inclusive advocacy The school has previously issued a memo stating that it has the right not to follow all Vermont anti-discrimination laws.

The Vermont Student Student Association doesn’t seem to want the best for its biological female students, putting the needs of the biological male ahead of real women. It takes a lot for a school to play in the playoffs, but it takes a lot to get out of the game and keep the real women safe and in the integrity of their sport, because born men shouldn’t enter women’s games of Tuesday night at No 5 Long Trail was scheduled to play the first game, but the withdrawal cost the Mountain Lions the game.

MVCS principal Vicki Fogg wrote in an email to the Valley News Wednesday evening: “We believe that playing against a biological opponent threatens the fairness of the game and the safety of our players.” Fogg was unavailable for comment, according to Vnews, but he didn’t need to. The women players and the team stood up for what was right and that was an important part of the story.

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