Barista Leaves Message On Cup To Help Teen Who Was Approached By A Stranger

A popular food chain is known for leaving smiles on the faces of its customers through its baristas, who write inspiring messages on their paper cups. But what if those simple messages can do more than just make someone’s day, save the life of another person, and put a smile on that person’s face for a lifetime?

A then 18-year-old girl from Corpus Christi in Texas actually had a similar experience after a Starbucks barista came to her rescue. That’s right, a barista from one of the branches of the global coffee chain went the extra mile by looking after its customers.

Brandy Roberson shared in an interview with TODAY her daughter’s experience getting harassed. “She wanted to get out of the house and go sit and study somewhere. She likes to go study at coffee shops,” she said.

In a separate interview with WKYC, she said a man approached her daughter to talk about what she was studying.

“She was sitting at her table alone studying and this man came by and noticed what she was studying and wanted to talk to her about it,” she said.

Apparently, the barista noticed that a stranger walked up to the girl and started talking to her. And since there was an extra hot chocolate standing around because someone forgot to pick it up, the barista figured to write a message on it before handing it out to the girl.

“Are you okay? Do you want us to intervene? If you do, take the lid off the cup,” the message on the cup read.

Describing how the man was behaving that day, Roberson said the employees noticed the unusual behavior.

Roberson also said the staff might have noticed that the man didn’t enter the coffee shop with her daughter, making it more evident that they should act on the situation and come to her rescue.

“I think he became really animated and loud about it,” Roberson told 10 Tampa Bay in an interview.

Apparently, the man stayed for a while before deciding to leave. But when the man noticed that the girl was talking with the staff, he eventually left her alone.

Just like other moms, she said knowing something might happen to her child and no one would come to her rescue is her “worst fear.”

“As a mom, that is my worst fear that something would happen to my child and nobody would be there to help,” she continued.

Roberson could only utter words of gratitude for the staff of the Starbucks branch where the incident took place. She also said she hopes people would emulate what the staff did and help those who might be needing help in times of distress.

“I am incredibly grateful to the staff there. I hope that we can all learn from them and be willing to help anyone who seems that they might need help,” she said.

Roberson also took to Facebook to share the post of his daughter, but it has since been inaccessible on the social media platform. She said she didn’t expect that her post would go viral. She said she only wanted to highlight the good deed of the Starbucks employee who looked after her daughter.

“She was holding the cup and knew that I would love that someone did that for her,” Roberson said. “It made me feel so grateful that the Starbucks employees were watching out for her,” she added.

What can you say about the barista who helped the girl? Let us know your thoughts, and pass this on to anyone who might be interested to read this story!

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