A Mother’s Love: Carol Burnett Remembers Her Daughter

At 91 years old, Carol Burnett is a beloved comedy icon. As she approaches this important milestone, she takes the time to reflect on her incredible life and work. However, amidst the laughter, Burnett carries a deep sorrow that has never left her. It has been 21 years, but the loss of her daughter, Carrie Hamilton, still weighs heavily on her heart.

Carrie, the eldest of Burnett’s three daughters, followed in her mother’s footsteps and pursued a career in performing. She had a successful role on the television series “Fame” and made appearances in popular shows like “The X-Files” and “Murder, She Wrote.” Despite her talent and success, Carrie faced her own struggles, battling with drug addiction as a young woman.

In a recent interview, Burnett shared her tough-love parenting approach during Carrie’s difficult times. She knew she had to be more than just a friend to her daughter. It was a painful journey, but ultimately, Burnett’s love and intervention led Carrie to sobriety at the young age of 18. This accomplishment brought them closer together than ever before.

Carrie’s career blossomed, and her bond with her mother became unbreakable. They were inseparable for the next 20 years. But tragedy struck when Carrie was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2001, which later spread to her brain.

Despite the devastating news, both Carol and Carrie faced the battle with strength and unwavering humor. Carrie’s spirit shone through her treatments, inspiring her mother and the healthcare professionals who cared for her. “Every day I wake up and decide, today I’m going to love my life,” became her mantra. It’s a sentiment that still resonates with Carol as she navigates life without her daughter.

Carrie passed away at the age of 38, leaving Carol heartbroken. But even in her grief, she found the strength to carry on. In her own words, “You don’t get over it, but you cope.” Carol knew she owed it to Carrie and to herself to keep going. She had a play to finish, and she honored her commitment with an indomitable spirit.

In a recent interview, as Carol Burnett approached her 91st birthday, she shared that not a day goes by without thoughts of Carrie. The memories they created together, the laughter and tears they shared, are forever etched in her heart. Carol remembers her daughter as a force, someone who filled her life with love and inspiration.

As Carol continues to flourish in her career, she acknowledges the impact her daughter’s strength had on her. During Carrie’s illness, Carol visited her in the hospital every day. The nurses would remark on the cheer Carrie brought to their lives. When asked about it, Carrie simply said, “Every day I wake up and decide.” Those words resonated deeply with her mother and continue to shape Carol’s perspective each morning.

Despite the immense loss she has suffered, Carol Burnett remains a beacon of resilience and positivity. Honored with countless awards for her lifetime achievements in comedy, she continues to make her mark in the entertainment industry. This 91-year-old icon still has her humor, her passion, and her zest for life.

Turning 90 was a milestone Carol struggled to grasp. She still feels like a child at heart, approaching life with a youthful spirit. She is grateful for her health, her energy, and the memories she carries with her. And as she celebrates her 91st birthday, we extend our warmest wishes to a woman who has shown us the true meaning of strength and love.

Please share this story if you, too, are a fan of Carol Burnett and wish to honor her incredible journey.

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