Woman Skydives To Celebrate 102nd Birthday & Shares Hilarious Secret To Longevity

Younger people often seek advice from their elders. They want to avoid mistakes and soak up their wisdom on how to live a long and happy life. Well, Manette Baillie has cracked the code on how to live a long and enjoyable life, and she is sharing her secrets. This 102-year-old skydiver is sharing her wisdom with the world during an exciting birthday celebration.

102 Skydiver Takes Things To New Heights

Manette Baillie is not your ordinary woman. Not only is she unique because she has made it to the incredible age of 102, but she also likes to celebrate in incredible ways. Just two years ago, for her 100th birthday, she “raced a Ferarri at the official track of the British Grand Prix, reaching 130 miles per hour.”

However, this year, she decided to take things to new heights—literally! She became the first 102-year-old to skydive, earning her the record of Birtian’s oldest skydiver in history! The NY Post shared that she was inspired by hearing about an 85-year-old man who took the leap of faith.

Baillie shared, “If an 85-year-old man can do it, so can I.”

She continued to express how fortunate she feels that she is not burdened with arthritis or many other ailments that people her age suffer from. Seeing as she has that good fortune, she likes to live every day with excitement and purpose; she is not wasting a second of her life.

Retelling The Experience
This 102-year-old skydiver shared what the experience was like for her. Although she married a paratrooper, she had never had the pleasure of jumping out of a plane herself. She said that the entire experience was really fast.

She told Sky News, “I remember my legs going out, and it’s a kind of blur. I shut my eyes. We see to travel at a very fast speed.” However, this incredible woman didn’t just complete this experience for herself; she also used the opportunity to raise money.

The money that she raised with this jump supports local organizations, especially the East Anglian Air Ambulance, which helped save her son’s life in 1969. So, how can we all be a bit more like Baillie? First, she claimed that she would not be here today without the love and support of her friends and family. So supporting yourself with good people is the first step.

Then, she continued on with this stellar advice. “Keep busy, be interested in everything, be kind to those around you, and let them be kind to you.” She ended her advice with a fun and surprising twist, “And don’t forget to party.”

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