Hope, albino turtle born with exposed heart who inspired world, has died — rest in peace

When a turtle named Hope was born with an exposed heart, no one expected her to make it — but for years, she lived up to her name by defying all the odds and inspiring people around the world.

Sadly, this precious turtle has now passed away 😢💔 Read Hope’s story and the heartwarming tribute from her owner:

Hope, an albino Pinkbelly Sideneck turtle, was born in 2018 with an extremely rare condition in which her heart was on the outside of her shell. The anomaly is so rare that there isn’t even a name for it when it occurs in animals.

Mike Aquilina took in Hope from a friend who is a turtle breeder. It was hoped that Aquilina could give the fragile little turtle her best chance of survival.

He provided Hope with a safe environment that was not too sterile. She was kept separated from other turtles to keep her heart cavity from accidentally puncturing.

“I keep her water extra clean, give her a basking area that is as soft as possible and handle her as little as possible,” he told the Daily Mail in 2019. “The goal is to keep her deformity clean and her immune system strong.”

As Hope continued to defy the odds, Aquilina shared updates about her progress. Her story went viral, inspiring people everywhere to never give up.

“Just a casual reminder that now is not forever, if you’re struggling, hang on tight,” one post reads. “The joy is in the journey. Keep working hard and doing your best everyday. The best is yet to come!!”

For Aquilina, it was a life-changing journey as well.

“People can see that and she’s got so many people rooting for her around the world,” he said. “She’s spreading hope while also giving me hope. Hope has changed my life for the better in such a short amount of time.”

“She’s so small and so fragile, the most delicate thing, but she’s fearless.”

Thanks to his love and care, Hope survived for nearly six years — but sadly, Hope unexpectedly passed away this week. In an Instagram video, Aquilina said that the turtle died on August 11, a day after being admitted to the hospital after exhibiting troubling symptoms.

Hope had previously been admitted to the hospital back in April. Aquilina started a GoFundMe for Hope’s hospital bills, which raised $2,155.

Though Hope showed some signs of improvement and was in “much better shape,” her health took an abrupt turn for the worst, and she was gone.

“Hope was a part of my daily routine, my pride and joy, my purpose for 6 years of my life and I will be lost without her,” Aquilina said.

“I love you Hope. I will miss you forever. I feel broken without you. Thank you for making my life worth living,” he wrote. “I wouldn’t still be here if you never came into my life. Because of you a lot of people have hope, you’ve brought joy and positivity and strength to so many.”

“Together we were able to touch the world. I will try my best to keep going and to keep your spirit alive. Until we meet again. Swim in Peace baby girl.”

Rest in peace, Hope ❤️ You may have just been a little turtle but you inspired so many people in your time on earth.

Please share this story in memory of Hope.

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