Kevin Costner, 68, makes tragic two-word confession after child support divorce battle – and everyone’s saying the same thing

Kevin Costner may have come out the victor in his months-long legal battle with his estranged wife Christine Baumgartner over child support, but the actor is taking no pleasure in it.

The back-and-forth battle between Costner and Baumgartner has been a mainstay in the media since the latter filed for divorce back in May, citing irreconcilable differences.

Having moved out of the family home – as per the conditions of a prenup – Baumgartner sought to claim hundreds of thousands of dollars in monthly child support payments, though Costner was of a mind to pay her far less.

Reportedly, Baumgartner wanted $161,000 in child support payments from her superstar husband. 68-year-old Costner, meanwhile, said to have amassed a fortune to the tune of $400 million, believed that $63,000 per month was reasonable to meet the needs of his children.

The actor had initially been temporarily ordered to pay an eye-watering $129,000 per month, but a judge has now ruled that Baumgartner will be entitled to less than half of that moving forward, siding with Costner’s proposed $63,000 per month.

The announcement was made after a two-day court hearing where both Costner and his wife put forward their arguments regarding the issue of child support payments.

Yet though Costner ultimately got his way, the iconic actor took the time to speak to the press during a lunch break at the courthouse in Santa Barbara, California, and revealed that he “feels so bad”.

“This is a horrible place to be, but this is where we’re at,” Costner said.

“It feels so bad. We’re talking about somebody I love on the other side. I just can’t.”

Then, when asked by a reporter if he “still has love” for Baumgartner, Costner replied: “Of course.”

The Waterworld actor also gave an interview to Fox News Digital where he outlined the torment of having to endure a nasty court battle on the heels of his wife filing for divorce.

“You know, when you have a life that long with somebody, there is no winner… and it’s this big, crazy thing called life and how it unravels so quickly,” Costner confessed.

“One minute you feel like you’re on top of the world, and then you realize how, you know, how vulnerable you are.”

Indeed, Costner’s words struck a chord with fans, many of whom sympathized with his situation.

One person wrote on Twitter: “Well, it’s about time she teaches her children to be thankful, for their already privileged lives, and that nothing comes for free. Seriously, Kevin is not denying his children a single luxury, just hers!! TEAM Kevin.”

Another added: “I raised two kids with zero child support. Let me help Ms. Baumgertner out. You go to college. You get up every morning and you go to work. You plan your meals, and shop with a list. You make a budget. And you practice this word: no.“

A third chimed: “IDK why but I’m weirdly ecstatic for his win. What a selfish, lazy woman. Get a freakin’ job and show your kids how to earn a living rather than live off of someone who does. TEAM KEVIN!!”

“Imagine crying in court because you don’t know how to live off $720k a year for not work,” said a fourth about Baumgartner.

As per reports, a further hearing is due to take place in November.

I really feel for Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner. Divorces are never easy things to go through, and one can only hope they can eventually set aside their differences and move forward towards happier futures.

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